Top Five Mother’s Day Ideas That Aren’t Brunch
Mother’s Day is this Sunday! If you are looking for an idea “outside of the brunch box” to spend the day with your mom, here are some nifty ideas:
Source: Cincinnati Magazine
Mother’s Day is May 14. For all the hands-on, can-do, make-it-happen, trick-up-her-sleeve, pull-a-rabbit-out-of-a-hat mothers out there (um, that would be all mothers, right?), here are five non-brunchy Mother’s Day gift ideas that will teach her a thing or two.
1. Macaron Bar
This popular take-and-bake class covers the making of delicate macaron shells as well some of their popular filling flavors. It’s like giving mom a rainbow she can eat. Classes are offered in two locations, OTR, and Loveland. macaron-bar.com
2. Manitou Candle Company
This shop on Eastern Avenue is so serene and spare; it is the maker embodiment of “Calgon take me away!” You might not want to leave. Manitou provides everything you need make and scent your own custom soy candles. manitoucandleco.com
3. Turner Farm Teaching Kitchen
The word “alchemy” has such a mysterious ring to it–kind of like the magic moms work everyday, right? The Cook and The Yardboy from Natorp’s Nursery (aka Rita Heikenfeld and Ron Wilson) come to Turner Farms Teaching Kitchen for a class on The Alchemy of Herbs and Edible Flowers, Monday May 8 from 6:30-8 p.m. turnerfarm.org/teaching-kitchen
4. Sausage Making at Avril Bleh Meat Market
Want to learn how the sausage really gets made in this town? Owner Len Bleh and his team guide you through the process, from grinding to seasoning to stuffing. You’ll leave stuffed too–with knowledge and with a bag stuffed with approximately 17 pounds of brats, metts, and links that you made yourself. avril-blehmeats.com/events
5. Crackling Crust
For groups of four to six, baker Michelle Kovach teaches you how to make sourdough bread at home, in your home. Learn how to maintain a sourdough starter, and mix, shape, and bake loaves. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. cracklingcrust.com/classes